Royal Russell students have made a great start to the 49th annual Hague Model United Nations conference. After a good trip over, stopping off in Amsterdam to have a tour of the Van Gogh museum, the students arrived in The Hague on Sunday evening. Monday was spent lobbying and all of our 16 India delegates managed to join groups preparing a resolution for debate, and a number of them managed to become main submitter on the group’s resolution. Georgia as President of the Disarmament Commission, and Aisha as Head Chair in GA5 were particularly busy helping to organise lobby groups. In the afternoon Scott carried the Indian flag into the opening ceremony.
On Tuesday Pippa, Lucas, Meera and Scott all made excellent opening speeches in their committees. After further lobbying the debates began and all the students have had an opportunity to speak in their committee. Aisha and Georgia have both chaired debates with their usual calm and firm control.
Peter has already written 3 articles for MUTINY, the largest circulation daily High School newspaper in the world, this week and on Wednesday morning he was given the front page for his excellent article on Orwell’s ‘1984’ and its relevance today.
With three more days to go the debating has only just begun and we are looking forward to seeing many Indian placards in the air.
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