The Royal Russell delegates representing USA won the outstanding delegation award at Benenden MUN. As always the Benenden students organised an excellent one day conference with many top schools represented. We provided one chair – Aisha – who again chaired with real professionalism. Our delegates had a great day. We had two delegations representing USA and D R Congo with students ranging from Year 9 to Year 13. Alex and Ella had the tough task of representing USA in the crisis committee which, unbeknownst to them, put USA at the centre of a developing global conflict and they did a great job. Ella was in the Historical committee discussing the future of Kashmir as if the year was 1947, and she was awarded a Highly Commended delegate award for her endeavours. All the other delegates were in more traditional committees and Alex, Nikolai and Pippa all managed to have their resolutions debated and passed in committee whilst Nikolai’s resolution went on to be debated in GA. In each committee there were just three awards and three of our students joined Ella in winning Highly Commended delegate awards – Nikolai, Alex L, Ella A and Pippa. And in the end our USA delegation deservedly won their award.
Media Team
As ever we lent Benenden our flags, placards and, most importantly, our media team. The Media team did amazingly – a real credit to the school with their professionalism, always around but never in the way. By the end of the day they had unbelievably managed to get 6 films up on the internet with the promise of more to follow. This can be viewed at https://vimeo.com/194347636 which is also linked via the Benenden website. Great little one-minute films both showcasing the conference and explaining what happens.