This week, a group of Royal Russell pupils attended the 55th edition of The Hague International MUN Conference. The Hague is a key United Nations city, home of the International Court of Justice, hosting the biggest MUN Conference in Europe and welcoming this year over 150 schools from all around the world.

Around 2500 pupils were greeted in the World Forum by a recorded video message from the current Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, wishing them a fantastic conference.

Congratulations to Iris Nuredini, our Vietnam Ambassador and delegate in the General Assembly’s Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, Mark Ben Mikhelson, in the General Assembly’s Disarmament and Security Committee, Lucas Easton in the General Assembly’s Economic and Financial Committee, Johan Prinsloo in the General Assembly’s Special Political & Decolonization Committee, Francesco Licheri in the Special Conference on the future of Borders, Aman Niranjan and Winnie Wang in the Human Rights sub-commissions 1 and 2, for their participation in this unique event.

This was a fantastic opportunity to debate topics such as, Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, Designing a universal code of ethics for tourism, Measures to eradicate forced labour and end modern slavery, The question of territorial sovereignty in Antarctica, Protecting the right of LGBT+ people and The question of countries building walls and other forms of barriers, amongst many other global issues. This was also a perfect environment to develop public speaking and diplomatic skills as well as making new friends.

Home » RRS Students at THIMUN 2023 » RRS Students at THIMUN 2023
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CategoryLatest, RRS Delegates
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