On June 22nd six Royal Russell School students attended the first Christ’s Hospital Public International Law Conference. The students really enjoyed the opportunity to act as Advocates and Judges in model courts run along the lines of the ICJ in The Hague.  All the students did well in their first experience of presenting in a mock court having worked hard before the day preparing their case. Our three pairs of Advocates were Mazino and Eleanor, Aaron and Berman and Sultan and George with the latter pair deservedly winning Outstanding Jurist awards.

On 22nd June Thalia, Pippa, Sabrina, Max, James and Lucas attended the Junior Reigate MUN Conference. This was a great starter conference run by Reigate students for first time delegates. After two terms of miniMUN our students  – from Years 7 & 8 – understood the debating procedure but were new to writing and debating resolutions which they learnt about on the day. All six students spoke in their committee and Sabrina and James impressively took the floor in the General Assembly.

Home » RRS Students attend Two Conferences in One Day » Christ's Hospital Law Conference & Reigate Junior MUN
Eleanor and Mazino presenting their case.jpg
Eleanor and Mazino presenting their case.jpg
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RRS Advocates at Christ Hospital.jpg
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Sultan in ICJ.JPG
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James and Pippa at Reigate.JPG
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James in GA at Reigate.JPG
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More Rwanda at Reigate.JPG
Rwanda at Reigate.JPG
Rwanda at Reigate.JPG
Sabrina in GA at Reigate.JPG
Sabrina in GA at Reigate.JPG
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