Our 15 students attending the 51st annual Hague Model United Nations conference have made a great start. Lucas and Ella have done really well as chairs. Lucas acting as President of the Environment commissions has been particularly busy. Ana-Maria as a judge on the model ICJ has been working hard and has already almost finished her first case. Stevie, as our ambassador, carried the Israeli flag during the opening ceremonies and went on to make a great opening speech in her committee. Tess and Robbie were also selected to make opening speeches and both did well. Everyone got involved in lobbying with Stevie looking to be main speaker on her resolution and a number of others hoping to be 1st or 2nd yield. By Wednesday everyone had spoken and were busy getting to make friends in their committees. On Wednesday afternoon 9 of the students visited both the ICC and ICJ courts based in the Hague.

Home » RRS Students at THIMUN 2019 representing Israel » RRS Students at THIMUN 2019
Ana in ICJ.jpg
Ana in ICJ.jpg
Prof Standing - Keynote Speaker.jpg
Prof Standing - Keynote Speaker.jpg
Robbie representing Israel - Opening speech.jpg
Robbie representing Israel - Opening speech.jpg
Stevie Opening Speech.jpg
Stevie Opening Speech.jpg
Visit to the ICC.jpg
Visit to the ICC.jpg
Ella chairing in committee.jpg
Ella chairing in committee.jpg
Visit to the Peace Palace.jpg
Visit to the Peace Palace.jpg
Ana ICJ.jpg
Ana ICJ.jpg
Ella Chairing.jpg
Ella Chairing.jpg
Krish in Committee.jpg
Krish in Committee.jpg
Stevie in Committee.jpg
Stevie in Committee.jpg
World Forum.jpg
World Forum.jpg
Closing Ceremony.jpg
Closing Ceremony.jpg
Flags at THIMUN.jpg
Flags at THIMUN.jpg
Lucas in Committee.jpg
Lucas in Committee.jpg
Closing 2.jpg
Closing 2.jpg
Closing Ceremony 2.jpg
Closing Ceremony 2.jpg
Delegation Dinner.jpg
Delegation Dinner.jpg
Delegation Photo.jpg
Delegation Photo.jpg
Stevie Introducing her Resolution.jpg
Stevie Introducing her Resolution.jpg
CategoryLatest, RRS Delegates
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