Whilst Royal Russell was a hive of activity for Open Morning on Saturday 24th September, nine of our pupils snuck away and attended Reigate Grammar’s 20th Model United Nations Conference. The team was a mixture of old hands and new delegates but everyone rose to the challenge and debated diplomatically and constructively. Among the debate…

On the 26th September, whilst pupils and staff were busy with Open Morning, eight pupils went to Reigate Grammar to take part in the first MUN conference of the season. Experienced MUNers Rita and Khadijah were invited to chair committees and they carried this off with great success, showing not only detailed understanding of procedure…

The Royal Russell students have a busy couple of terms ahead, attending 8 conferences and preparing for our own conference in October. This term our students will participate at conferences in The Hague, Kingswood School (Bath), City of London and Haileybury. In the holidays they will attend RICMUN, Istanbul. They also have a busy post-exam season when…