The 33rd Annual Conference will take place between Saturday 18th and Tuesday 21st October 2014 at Royal Russell School. The successful applicants for this year’s ICJ and Committee Chairs can be viewed here under ‘2014 Conference’. Details of how to find Royal Russell can be found using this link:http://www.royalrussell.co.uk/Contact/
Mr Keable-Elliott, the Director of Royal Russell MUN, has today announced the Student Officers for the 32nd Royal Russell IMUN. Sultan Kazi has been chosen as Secretary General and he will be very ably helped by the three Presidents of GA, David Ritter, Georgia Davies and Sam Roberts. Michelle Kazi and Charlotte Aston will be…

The committee chairs have now been selected for the 2012 Royal Russell International MUN Conference and the names of the students and their schools can be found on the Officers for 2012 page. Schools had until the 21st September to confirm delegates and committees and to make their final payments. A list of participating schools…