28 Royal Russell students have now returned from a very successful week in The Hague attending the THIMUN conference along with 190 other schools from around the world. During the second half of the week all the students managed to speak in their committees and a number of them, including Sam, Georgia, Hamza, Charlotte, Maria and David, were able to act as either first or second speaker in the debate. Charlotte’s resolution was then debated in the plenary session of her commission and the passed resolution will now be sent to Ban Ki Moon at the United Nations.

Sultan continued to work hard as the co-President of the ICJ where two on-going cases in the real ICJ court were completed. Barty and Michelle continued to do a great job chairing their committees – a tough task when they had over 180 students to control! Tom as co-editor of the THIMUN daily newspaper eventually managed to produce 5 great editions of the MUTINY paper whilst Ffion managed to have her own photographs published in each edition.

Although the conference was on every day a number of our students managed to visit the ICTFY where they saw Radovan Karadžić trying to defend himself in the court.


Georgia and her amendment in ECOSOC.jpg
Georgia and her amendment in ECOSOC.jpg
Georgia submitting an amendment in ECOSOC.jpg
Georgia submitting an amendment in ECOSOC.jpg
ILO Delegation in the Hague.jpg
ILO Delegation in the Hague.jpg
Maria and Rita in the ECOSOC committee.jpg
Maria and Rita in the ECOSOC committee.jpg
RRS Students at the Escher Museum.jpg
RRS Students at the Escher Museum.jpg
The Editor makes another sell.jpg
The Editor makes another sell.jpg
Tom and Ffion seeling the MUNity nemspaper.jpg
Tom and Ffion seeling the MUNity nemspaper.jpg
Tunisa Delegation in the Hague.jpg
Tunisa Delegation in the Hague.jpg
Badshah asking a question.jpg
Badshah asking a question.jpg
Charlotte co-submiting a resolution.jpg
Charlotte co-submiting a resolution.jpg
Delegation meal.jpg
Delegation meal.jpg
Delegtion meal in the Hague.jpg
Delegtion meal in the Hague.jpg
Students voting in committee.jpg
Students voting in committee.jpg
Sultan reviews evidence in ICJ.jpg
Sultan reviews evidence in ICJ.jpg
Tola presenting her resolution.jpg
Tola presenting her resolution.jpg
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