Eight Royal Russell students attended the 2nd Christ’s Hospital International Peace and Security Conference on Friday 4th October representing Pakistan and the Renagaan. This was a great experience for the students having to react, as members of a Security Council, to a gradually unfolding crisis. All 8 students won awards at the end with Sultan and David being chosen as Outstanding delegates and Hamza & Barty, Charlotte & Michelle and Georgia & Sam all chosen as Highly Commended delegates. For the second year in a row Royal Russell School was named Best School at the conference.

Home » RRS Students win Best School at Christ’s Hospital International Peace and Security Conference 2013 » Christ’s Hospital International Peace and Security Conference 2013
Barty Hamza David & Sultan.jpg
Barty Hamza David & Sultan.jpg
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Barty making a point.JPG
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Charlotte Michelle Sam & Georgia.jpg
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David and Sultan winning Outstanding Delegates.JPG
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Georgia speaks in her committee.JPG
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RRS Students chosen as Best School.JPG
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Sultan answering a point of information.JPG
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Sultan lobbying.JPG
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