The Secretary General, Georgia Davies, closed the 33rd Royal Russell MUN conference on Tuesday 21st October, after another very successful four days. Delegates had debated in 8 GA committees and the Security Council before a day of debate in the General Assembly. The ICJ successfully reached a judgement on Bolivia versus Chile. After the debates…

22 students attended the Haileybury MUN conference in March. It was a tough conference with a very high standard of debating and Haileybury’s biggest yet, with over 600 students from leading International andUKschools. Despite this a number of our students did really well. Hamza got his resolution debated and passed into the GA (although sadly…

Haberdasher’s Aske’s MUN This year a record number of Royal Russell students attended the 2012 Haberdashers MUN conference in March with 27 students representing 5 different countries and 2 members of the press team. Our students again did very well with three students winning Highly Commended Delegate awards and three more the Distinguished Delegate award….