The 38th International RRS MUN Conference is now closed!
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The actual General assembly parts of the conference were live streamed on You Tube:

Opening ceremony and opening speeches:

Monday debates:

The Distinguished Delegate Awards went to students representing:

SOCHUM 1: Belgium, Pakistan, Indonesia, France, Canada, Jamaica, Syria, Costa Rica

SOCHUM 2: Sri Lanka, Singapore, Russian Federation, Serbia, Malaysia, Latvia, Indonesia, Republic of Congo

SPECPOL 1: Croatia, Côte d’Ivoire, Yemen, Belgium, Bahrain, Latvia, DR Congo, UK

SPECPOL 2: DR Congo, Belgium, Jordan, Russian Federation, Turkey, Madagascar, Côte d’Ivoire, Slovakia

DISEC 1: Israel, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Myanmar, Syria, UK, Yemen

DISEC 2: Angola, Canada, China, Cambodia, Equatorial Guinea, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, UK

ENVIRONMENT: Belgium, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Yemen, Serbia, India, Sri Lanka, DR Congo

ECOFIN: Bolivia, Canada, DR Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Yemen, Zimbabwe

SPECIAL CONFERENCE ON THE CONSEQUENCES OF BREXIT: UK, Zimbabwe, Iraq, France, Israel, Ethiopia, Bahrain, Estonia

CRISIS: Croatia, Bahrain, Czech Republic, Belgium, UK, Yemen, Indonesia, Jordan


Côte d’Ivoire, Russian Federation, UK, Indonesia

The Highly Commended Delegation awards went to schools representing:

Côte d’Ivoire: Terenure College, Dublin

Yemen: St Andrew’s College, Dublin

Indonesia: Shrewsbury College

Sri Lanka: Benenden School

Croatia: St Gerard’s School, Dublin

Belgium: Wesley College, Dublin


The Distinguished Delegation awards went to schools representing:

Russian Federation: Habs Boys

France: Santa Margarita Catholic High School, California

United Kingdom: St Andrew’s College, Dublin


The 39th Annual conference will take place between Saturday 17th and Tuesday 20th October 2020 at Royal Russell School. Invitations will be sent by email in early March 2020 to all schools who have previously attended or have requested an invitation. The closing date for applications will be Monday 11th May, after which schools will be advised of their allocated delegation(s), along with successful Chair and ICJ appplicants who will be listed separately on the website.