Sample Resolutions


QUESTION OF:  The Enlarged Emergency Disaster Relief Fund

The Economic and Social Council

     Believing that the United Nations Disaster Relief Office UNDRO) has been
 an important part of disaster relief efforts world-wide, 
     Congratulating UNDRO for its efforts to become a centre for the exchange
of technical information while co-ordinating international emergency efforts, 
     Noting with appreciation the assistance UNDRO has given to drought-stricken
and locust -infested African nations, hurricane-ravaged Latin American andCaribbean
countries and floor-paralysed lands in theSudanandBangladesh,
     Realising that the Emergency Disaster Relief Program does not have enough
money to help all the nations who have fallen victim to nature’s whim. 
     Pointing out that economically disadvantages and underdeveloped nations are
often the most affected by disaster and therefore contributions would largely benefit
such nations, 
     Deeply regretting that nations have given relief, or abstained from giving it, for
political reasons instead of humane ones,


1.   Deplores nations who distribute, or refrain from distributing, relief money on the
      basis of governmental relations;
2.   Urges UNDRO to broaden its involvement in disaster relief efforts allocating
      funds directly to relief efforts and planning, which would allow UNDRO to:
      (a)  Help provide shelter, medical assistance and the technology and
            materials necessary for the construction of structurally safe buildings,
      (b)  Form a committee of specialists in the field of natural disasters to study
            possible areas of disaster and forewarn the government(s) and inhabitants
            of the impending danger.
      (c)  Draft plans for effective evacuation of high risk areas;
3.    Affirms that with the new responsibilities of UNDRO lives will be saved that
       previously could not have been; 
4.    Encourages high risk countries to plan ahead for disasters by instituting policies
       which encourage population concentrations to grow in less disaster-prone areas; 
5.    Suggests that able nations donate the equivalent of 1% of their UN dues to
6.    Reminds nations that the contribution of the extra funds will help ensure that the
       basic human right for food, shelter and medical assistance referred to in
       Article 25, clause 1 of the Declaration of Human Rights will be met in times of
7.    Emphasises that UNDRO will distribute said money without references to the
       political persuasions of existing governments; 
8.    Strongly affirms that UNDRO will begin a tradition of giving aid to civilians in need; 
9.    Reminds states that increased disaster control programs will, in the long term,
       save lives and much needed funds to relief and other necessary programs; 
10.   Recommends that all member states pay UN back dues by the 1995 fiscal year
        in order for the implementation and completion of these suggestions; 
11.   Expresses its hope that the United Nations Volunteer Program can play a
        greater role in the implementation of disaster relief programs.                        



COMMITTEE:                      Fifth                                                                              APPENDIX 4

QUESTION OF:                   Equitable Representation on and Increase of the Membership of the

                                                Security Council


     Acknowledging the fact that the current form of the Security Council and in
particular its five permanent members, has brought the world through a period of
global prosperity, 
      Bearing in mind that ideally, the Security Council (SC) should represent the
global balance of power and should work for the good of the world community, 
      Convinced that the give permanent members of the Security Council no longer
represent the distribution of power amongst states and that there is a need to extend
veto-holding representation on this council, 
      Deploring the inequity that exists among the membership of the Security Council
when groups of developing and developed nations are not given a voice in this body, 
      Keeping in mind the deep concerns of the current Secretary General in his
Agenda for Peace dealing with the waning effectiveness of the Security Council to
swiftly and competently address security situations throughout the globe, 
      Emphasising the fact that as the United Nations enters a period in history where
it will be expected to expand its peacekeeping roles to deal with a multitude of local,
regional, and world conflicts there will be a need for a more efficient security organ
that can meet the changing demands of a rapidly evolving world, 
1.    Calls for a restructuring of the Security Council be amending articles 23 and 27 of
       the United Nations Charter in accordance with guidelines set out in article 108 of
       the United Nations Charter; 
2.    Proposes that the number of permanent veto-holding states of the Security
       Council be increased by two to a total of seven; 
3.    Calls upon the Secretary general to submit a list of criteria for the selection of
       nominees for the two new permanent seats of the Security Council to the General
       Assembly for approval; 
4.   Authorises the Secretary General to select ten countries for these two permanent
       seats according to the approved criteria, and to submit this list to the General
       Assembly which will narrow it down to five nominees of which the Security Council
       will pick the final two; 
5.     Further calls upon the Security Council to submit this selection to the General
       Assembly for a final approval and ratification in accordance with the United
       Nations Charter; 
6.     Urges the Security Council to address the issue of permanent member veto-
       power and voting procedure after two new permanent members have been
       selected and approved by the Security Council and the General Assembly and
       non permanent membership has been increased;
7. Requests an increase of non-permanent membership from ten countries to
twelve countries;
8. Further requests that this increase be according to regional blocks:
(a) Africa- 3 countries,
(b) Asia- 3 countries,
(c) TheAmericas- 3 countries,
(d) Europe- 2 countries,
(e) Oceania- 1 country.