(1) Before the Conference:
- Each school selects a country /countries which they would like to represent.
- The countries are allocated in May along with the committees that country will have delegates in. Countries are allocated committees to enable uniform size of committees.
- Delegates, one per committee, research their committee topics (as listed on the website under Agenda) and write a resolution on their chosen Committee Issue(s) Please bring resolution on disk, memory stick or email.
- The ambassador prepares in advance a one minute Opening Speech to the General Assembly and each delegate prepares a Policy Statement for their committee.
- One delegate in each delegation should prepare headed note paper
(2) Registration
You will be met on arrival at the School and your MUN Advisor and one Ambassador should register. Residential schools will then be taken to their accommodation or given a place to store their luggage if staying in a local hotel.
(3) New Advisors
There will be a meeting for all Advisors on Saturday afternoon at 5pm before the Opening Ceremonies.
(4) Resolutions
All resolutions need to be placed on the school computer system before lobbying begins or as soon afterwards as possible. Once delegates have logged onto the Royal Russell School system they will see a MUN RESOLUTION FOLDER on the screen. They should open the folder, copy their resolution into the folder and save it using the following name: Country Name, Committee Name, Topic Letter eg: Iran, Human Rights 1, A Thailand, Disarmament, C.
All of our computers are based on Windows 7 and Office 2010. There are High speed laser printers available, and internet access. Our computers accept CDs and USB storage devices although using email is fine. Resolutions should have a Maximum of 15 Operative Clauses, including Sub-clauses. During official lobbying delegates need to find a maximum of 9 co-submitters, minimum 7. No resolution may contain more than 2 co-submitters from the same school.
(5) Lobbying
All schools should aim to arrive before 3.00pm to give their delegates an opportunity for unofficial lobbying. In their committee rooms delegates armed with their resolutions (delegates should bring with them 10-15 copies of their resolutions), can have informal discussion, debate and consensus building on the issues in their committee, and try to secure the support of other delegates. Delegates may choose to take good points from other resolutions, and merge their resolution with another. At 3.00pm official lobbying begins. It is at this point that delegates will be given a co-submitters sheet.
(6) Approval Panel
Will open on Saturday evening so that there will be approved resolutions ready for debate when committees convene on Sunday. All resolutions will need to be checked by the committee chairs before they are taken to the Approval Panel. The Approval panel is run by Advisors. Resolutions will be approved if in the right format using the correct language (grammar, punctuation etc) and if following logical consistency. The Panel will not presume to make judgements about the content of the resolutions, nor does “approval” imply that the resolution is “in order” according to the rules and procedures of the particular forum.
Approved Resolutions will be placed in the Approved Resolution folder on the school computers. One copy will be given to the President or Chair, and the Committee Chairs in discussion with student officers will decide which resolutions will be debated.
Resolutions rejected will be placed in the Rejected Resolutions folder on the school computers. Rejected resolutions may be re-submitted once the necessary alterations, suggested by the approval panel have been made.
(7) Delegation Size
Will vary but usually only 3 delegates per delegation can be seated on the floor of General Assembly.
(8) Written communication between Delegations
All written communication transmitted through the Administrative Staff must be written on identifiable notepaper, with a distinctive heading. Messages must be clear FROM and TO designations at the top of the paper. Messages not fulfilling the above requirements will not be transmitted. Delegations are expected to provide their own notepaper.
(9) Opening Speeches
All Ambassadors will make an opening speech to the General Assembly on Saturday evening. Opening speeches given at the first session of the General Assembly shall not exceed ONE minute and are not to be interrupted. Only one speaker may address the General Assembly.
Opening speeches are an extremely important part of any delegation’s contribution to MUN and, as such, must reflect the country’s policies and stance on the various issues before the conference, or other issues of importance to that country.
(10) Right of Reply to Opening Speeches
Two Rights of Reply will be entertained after each 7 opening speeches. Such replies may not exceed thirty seconds and must refer to one of the preceding 7 opening speeches.
(11) Policy statements – Sunday morning following United Nations Day Service
All delegates are expected to give a one minute policy statement to their committee when they will address the Committee outlining the position of his/her country to the issues in the Committee. This is an excellent opportunity for every student to speak in their committee. Advisors please encourage your delegates to do so.
(12) Committee – Main Sessions
Formal debate on the issues for each Committee. At this stage amendments can be submitted. If a resolution is passed by the committee it is then eligible to be presented to the General Assembly. Each Committee decides which resolutions, in order of preference it would like debated in the General Assembly. In committee delegates can yield the floor to another delegate. The rule is two consecutive yields from proposer, then one yield only; it then passes to the Chair. A delegate may not yield to a country from the same school.
(13) Amendments to Resolutions
Delegates may send an amendment to the chair on the appropriate paper (available from secretaries) at any stage of the debate. Amendments can then only be submitted by the delegate when the Chair has a copy and the delegate has the floor. The intention of proposed amendments to resolutions should normally be to improve the resolution with the object of achieving a wider consensus and thus helping the resolution to pass. Following the debate on the amendment and the vote, the floor is yielded to the Chair. No Amendments to resolutions will be entertained in General Assembly.
(14) General Assembly
Debate on the resolutions passed by the Committees.