Afghanistan | North London Collegiate School |
Albania (SC) | Terenure College |
Algeria | St Joseph’s, Athens |
Australia | Hurstpierpoint College |
Belarus | ACS Egham |
Brazil (SC) | Ste Victoire Int’l School |
Cambodia | Lycée François 1ere |
Canada | Hurstpierpoint College |
Chile | Boxhill School |
China (SC) | ACS Egham |
Colombia | Bancroft’s School |
Comoros | Bancroft’s School |
Congo Dep Rep | Shrewsbury |
Costa Rica | ACS Egham |
Côte d’Ivoire | Royal Russell School |
Cuba | Harris Academy, Bermondsey |
Cyprus | St Joseph’s, Athens |
Ecuador | Newpark Comprehensive |
Egypt | Institute of Education, Dublin |
Equatorial Guinea | North London Collegiate School |
Estonia | George Cosbuc High School |
Ethiopia | Newpark Comprehensive |
Fiji | Newpark Comprehensive |
Finland | Cours Saint Charles |
France (SC) | Frankfurt Int’l School |
Gabon (SC) | Bishop Thomas Grant |
Germany | Colegio Ayalde |
Ghana (SC) | St Gerard’s School |
Greece | Royal Russell School |
Haiti | Harris Academy, Bermondsey |
Hungary | Frankfurt Int’l School |
Iceland | Wesley College, Dublin |
India (SC) | ÅS Videregaende Skole |
Indonesia | Ste Victoire Int’l School |
Iran | Royal Russell School |
Iraq | Wesley College, Dublin |
Ireland (SC) | Cheadle Hulme |
Israel | Cheadle Hulme |
Italy | Colegio Ayalde |
Japan | Colegio Ayalde |
Kenya (SC) | St Ives School |
Korea (Dem Rep) – North | Cours Saint Charles |
Korea (Rep) – South | Hurstpierpoint College |
Kuwait | Ste Victoire Int’l School |
Kyrgyzstan | Bancroft’s School |
Latvia | Rathdown |
Lebanon | Holy Child School, Killiney |
Libya | Rathdown |
Lithuania | Lingfield College |
Malaysia | Royal Russell School |
Malta | St Joseph’s, Athens |
Mexico (SC) | Rathdown |
Morocco | North London Collegiate School |
Myanmar | Reigate Grammar School |
Nepal | Sutton Park, Dublin |
Netherlands | Reigate Grammar School |
New Zealand | St Joseph’s, Athens |
Norway (SC) | Gordon’s School |
Oman | Kings Monkton |
Pakistan | Frankfurt Int’l School |
Poland | Shrewsbury |
Portugal | Gordon’s School |
Qatar | Gordon’s School |
Russian Federation (SC) | Hurstpierpoint College |
Rwanda | Bancroft’s School |
Saudi Arabia | Hurstpierpoint College |
Senegal | Rathdown |
Serbia | ÅS Videregaende Skole |
Seychelles | St Gerard’s School |
Singapore | Hurstpierpoint College |
Slovakia | St Ives School |
Somalia | Frankfurt Int’l School |
South Africa | Cheadle Hulme |
South Sudan | Terenure College |
Spain | St Joseph’s, Athens |
Sri Lanka | Lingfield College |
St Lucia | Santa Margarita Catholic HS |
Sudan | Santa Margarita Catholic HS |
Syria | St Gerard’s School |
Thailand | Newpark Comprehensive |
Trinidad & Tobago | St Andrew’s, Dublin |
Tunisia | St Andrew’s, Dublin |
Türkiye | St Andrew’s, Dublin |
Uganda | St Andrew’s, Dublin |
Ukraine | St Andrew’s, Dublin |
United Arab Emirates (SC) | Blackrock College |
United Kingdom (SC) | St Andrew’s, Dublin |
United States of America (SC) | St Joseph’s, Athens |
Viet Nam | Kings Monkton |
Zimbabwe | Colegio Ayalde |