Agenda for Royal Russell Conference 2014
Disarmament & International Security 1 (DISEC 1)
The question of removing and disarming chemical weapons from combat zones
The question of diplomatic immunity for UN peacekeepers breaking local laws
The question of illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons
The question of Israel’s nuclear weapons
Disarmament & International Security 2 (DISEC 2)
The question of the use of drone attacks
The question of combatting illegal immigration by sea
The question of child soldiers
The question of limiting arms trade between States in non-conflict areas
Economic and Financial (ECOFIN)
The question of rising energy prices
The question of tax havens used by MNCs
The question of banking reforms
The question of UN members contributions to the UN budget
The question of allowing use of genetically modified crops in farming
The question of deforestation
The question of hydraulic fracking
The question of elephant and rhino poaching
Social Cultural and Humanitarian Committee 1 (SOCHUM 1)
The question of euthanasia
The question of abusive behaviour via social networks
The question of the right to secondary education
The question of the legalisation of prostitution
Social Cultural and Humanitarian Committee 2 (SOCHUM 2)
The question of government surveillance of civilians’ online activities
The question of the status of women
The question of population control
The question of the decriminalisation of homosexuality
Special Political & Decolonisation Committee 1 (SPECPOL 1)
The question of combatting piracy at sea
The question of Syria
The question of malaria
The question of Thailand
Special Political & Decolonisation Committee 2 (SPECPOL 2)
The question of the status of the Spratly Islands
The question of Burma / Myanmar
The question of clean water provision
The question of the Central African Republic
Security Council
The question of the eradication of global terrorism
The question of South Sudan
The question of the application of ‘Responsibility to Protect’
The question of security risks resulting from climate change